Why Everyone Should Learn To Code!

Krishna Agarwal
2 min readMay 10, 2022

by Krishna Agarwal

Let Me Tell You A Little Secret.

To everyone who doesn’t know I am a coder. I know how to write code and do it daily. Here on medium, I talk about tech and self-improvement, and today I thought I’d do a combination of both and talk about the benefits of coding( even if you’re not going to use it in a job).

Before we start, let me say: coding might seem nerdy and complicated to the untrained eye. Personally, I blame this on movies that coding seem like this impossible task only geniuses can do.

But, the truth is that coding is very simple. It just takes time. You don’t even need to know math and/or how computers work. What you need is a will to learn.

Now that we got that out of the way:

Why Learn Coding?!

I have one, and only one reason why I would recommend people learn to code( except for the fact that you could get a job). And Steve Jobs says that best:

Everybody should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.

- Steve Jobs

I heavily agree with that quote. I can personally testify that coding improves your logic and way of thinking( in other words your problem-solving skills)! So, why say no, to free intelligence?

Also, you can’t say that it’s only books smart as knowing how to think clearly can help you in the real world as well.

For more content stay tuned !

Keep coding #️⃣ , keep rocking 🚀

